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FV Disc Brakes

Formula Vee Disc Brake Package

Complete 4 Wheel Front and Rear ALL WHEEL Floating Rotor  Disc Brake System

OR FV Front Disc 2 WHEEL Floating Rotor Disc/Drum Brake System

Lowest Rotational Weight system on the market


FITS Challenge Cup Wheels and VW 5 bolt wheels

CAD designed; CNC Manufactured components

Custom Brake Rotors and billet aluminum hats for this application

Specially Designed Front Brake Caliper Mounting Bracket allows for mounting of the brake caliper in front or rear of the wheel to compensate for steering linkage interferences, ackermann plates or personal mounting preferences.  Includes mounting holes for those who use bolt on steering arms. 

Billet aluminum front and rear hub assembly.  High Performance and Beauty, best looking brakes in FV

Front and Rear Brake Kits come PRE-Assembled for easy installation

Includes FAG Front Wheel Bearings (optional with other systems)

Includes CarboTech PRE-BED brake pads and AN and Grade 8 mounting hardware

This is a NO Compromise Brake System utilizing the BEST components!

Front Disc Brake Package $2099 with super low drag options 

Our 2 wheel front disc brake systems allows you to keep your rear drum brakes!

Most FV drivers start with front disc brakes due to cost and the fact that the fronts do most of the work.

or add a Rear Disc Brake Package $2299 with super low drag options

(we have tried hard not to raise our prices but EVERY component of our brake systems from aluminum to shipping has gone up expodentially)


Racing Disc Brakes need to do more than just stop the race car.  Almost any disc brake system can stop a Formula Vee.

When designing a disc brake system for performance there are many design considerations. 

Below is a list of important features that are designed into our FV Disc Brake systems

DRAG: In our opinion one of the single most important elements that we are contstantly analyzing.  We have done extensive ON TRACK IR TEMP testing with our brakes to prove drag and drag reduction (not just talk or speculation)  in order  to quantify different configurations of components. This is more than taking temps in the pits, our tests were done with data acquisition and IR sensors mounted at every wheel so we can analyze every inch of the race track to now only show braking, but also cornering with no brakes (showing potential of brake drag due to side loading) and brake release effects.

Static Weight: Does it make the car heavier? Rotating Weight: Does it take more power to accelerate and decelerate? Unsprung wieght: Does it make the suspension better or worse? Old VW components: How does it compensate for and comply with old FV parts that are not perfect to start?  Where do the brake parts come from? What is the materials used to make the kits? For some of the cheap kits sold today it was impossible for us to quantify materials and where the brakes were made.  Our kit is a no compromise kit, unfortnately that makes it not a "cheap" kit. MADE IN THE USA

A note to our FV Community: Our intent when pursuing this project was to develop a low cost FV Disc Brake system that would have superior performance, and of course be SCCA legal. While we are very proud of our FV Disc Brakes, the components are expensive and it has proven to be very difficult to create a low cost system that not only performs, but also meets the new SCCA rules for disc brakes. We have purchased many of the "the forums say it should work parts", modeled many of them in 3D when necessary, and so far have ended up with a lot of scrap metal. While we will continue to search for more economical solutions, the rules and requirements for safety and performance do not leave us with unlimited options. Our current FV Disc brake system is a no compromise system which we feel is the leader in FV brakes, including winning the Runoffs!.

formula vee disc brakes

FV Front Disc Brake Hub Assembly

FV Disc Brake Caliper

FV Rear Disc Brake Hub Assembly

fv rear brake hub

fv rear brakes

fv left front caliper

fv cnc disc brake caliper brackets

Rear Disc Brakes Formula Vee

Formula Vee Disc Brake Temperature

On-Track IR Temperature Sensor Testing

The Photo to the left shows the one of our IR Temp Sensor (follow the blue wire) for Disc Brake DRAG testing. We have done extensive ON TRACK IR TEMP testing with our brakes to prove drag and to prove drag reduction (not just talk or speculation or theories) in order to quantify different configurations of components. This is more than taking temps in the pits,our tests were done with data acquisition and IR sensors mounted at every wheel so we can analyze every inch of the race track to now only show braking, but also cornering with no brakes (showing potential of brake drag due to side loading) and brake release effects.  In our opinion this is one of the single most important elements that we are constantly analyzing.

A note to the haters.  We did not invent the disc brake rule nor did we cheerlead for the rule change on internet. 

We simply took on the challenge to provide solutions for the new rules that are already in place in a class that we compete in.