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The ABC's of Data Analysis Training Video
This 60 minute video is based on our popular technical seminar the ABC's of Data Acquisition. It explains the basics of data interpretation, starting by using a tachometer as a data acquisition tool (no computer required) and progressing on to interpreting RPM and MPH graphs. Using "real world" scenarios, the analysis of both the car and the drivers performance are explained. The viewer can expect to gain the basic knowledge and techniques necessary to get started in data acquisition. This tape is a must for those who are unsure if data acquisition is for them, as well as for those who have purchased a system and would like a head start into data analysis!
Click here to email your order!
- $29.00 plus $5.00 for shipping and handling.
- Receive this video FREE with any data acquisition system purchase!
Data Acquisition, the "Real World" and the Amateur Racer!
- Read this technical article about data acquisition, that has been featured in many racing publications.
- We have gotten a great deal of requests for our training schedule for 2009.
- We do not offer seminars until the winter when the racing season slows down.
- We plan on posting our upcoming data acquisition analysis seminars in the Fall,
- check back to our website for more updates. If you would like to have a race car data analysis
- seminar at YOUR location, drop us a line and we will be happy to schedule a date!
- Here are a list of some of our PAST DATA ACQUISTION SEMINARS and Locations...
- MOTORSPORTS 2009 Racing Trade Show
- Atlantic City Convention Center
- One Miss America Way
- Atlantic City, NJ 08401
- Data Acquisition Seminar
- "From Speed to Shocks a practical Guide to Data Acquisition Analysis at the Racetrack".
- This TECHNICAL seminar features topics for the racer that wants to learn
- more about the benefits of data acquisition as a driver/racecar diagnostic tool.
- Topics will include all forms of racing including, circle track ovals, road racing, drag racing and more.
- Focus will be placed on removing the myths and "stereotypes" surrounding what
- is really important to the typical racer, and how to prioritize what sensors to look at.
- Other Highlights:
- Results Channels, RPM and MPH sensors
- Segment Analysis and
Track Mapping
- Determining Braking Points
- Shock Sensors, Chassis Attitude and Shock Velocities
- Steering Sensor and Throttle Sensor analysis
- Participants can expect to leave with a more "real world" perception of data acquisition
- in amateur racing as well as learning the techniques of reading a data graph.
- Speaker: www.AdvantageMotorsports.com
- 8 Hour Racing Data Acquisition and Data Analysis School
- SATURDAY January 14, 2009
- The Last One was a big success!! Watch for the next dates coming in the Fall of 2009!
Maplewood NJ 07040
- "Mastering the Basics of Race Car Data Acquisition"
- The Key Elements of Data Aquisition Analysis for Driver and Car Development.
- This TECHNICAL seminar is perfect for both drivers and crew that want to maximize their racing data aquisition system. Unlike other classes that cater to racing Engineers, this data acquisition school is for the NON-engineer. It is setup to provide practical application to the installation, use and setup of our data acquisition systems. This data analysis class will be 1 full day of classroom AND hands on training, which will include both the hardware (data logger, sensors and harness) as well as the software data analysis. This seminar will take a student step by step through installation, calibration and setup of the most common data acquisition features, and will cover in detail how different sensors are wired to data logger. With very few data acquistion books on the market, often mistakes are made without clear answers of what the problems may be. We will cover the most common mistakes that a new data acquistion system user makes, which most often from not being familiar enough with the system they are using. We know that most of our racers are not engineers, and this class is setup to provide the average weekend racer with the most important concepts needed to get winning results, without the need of a race engineer.
- What Type of Racing will be covered?
- This session for both Circle Track and Road Racers. (with a seperate Drag Racing School coming soon).
- This course is perfect for the New Data Acquisition User, the New Advantage Motorsports Data System Buyer (or potential buyer), the New CREW member that needs to get up to speed on the data system, New Driver that wants to understand their performance better, and those who want to learn more about the data systems in general.
- Additional benefits of data acquisition as a driver/racecar diagnostic tool.
- Other Highlights Include:
- The ABC's of Data Analysis for Driver and Race Car Development
- What is Data Acquisition?
Includes: data acquisition fundamentals
- data acquisition components and wiring
- Results Channels, RPM and MPH sensors
- G Accelerometer Sensors
- Segment Analysis and
- Track Mapping
- Determining Braking Points
- The BASICS OF Shock Sensors, Chassis Attitude and Shock Velocities
- Steering Sensor and Throttle Sensor analysis
- Infra Red Tire Temperatures
- Participants can expect to leave with a more "real world" perception of data acquisition
- in amateur racing as well as learning the techniques of reading a data graph.
- This is an 8 Hour Full Day Data Analysis Course!!!
- Cost $295
- Times 9AM to 5 PM
- to register: e-mail info@advantagemotorsports.com
- SCCA Club Racing Data Acquisition Seminar
- November 11-13, 2008
- Crowne Plaza in Allentown, PA
- Philadelphia Region
- "The ABC's of Data Acquisition Analysis for Driver Development".
- This TECHNICAL seminar features topics for the racer that wants to learn
- more about the benefits of data acquisition as a driver/racecar diagnostic tool.
- Topics will include all forms of racing including road racing data acquisition and autocross data acquisition.
- Focus will be placed on removing the myths and "stereotypes" surrounding what
- is really important to the typical racer, and how to prioritize what sensors to look at.
- Other Highlights:
- The ABC’s of Data Analysis for Driver Development”
- presented by advantagemotorsports.com
- What is Data Acquisition?
- Includes: data acquisition fundamentals
- data acquisition components and wiring
- Results Channels, RPM and MPH sensors
- Segment Analysis and
Track Mapping
- Determining Braking Points
- Shock Sensors, Chassis Attitude and Shock Velocities
- Steering Sensor and Throttle Sensor analysis
- Participants can expect to leave with a more "real world" perception of data acquisition
- in amateur racing as well as learning the techniques of reading a data graph.
- BMW Club Data Acquisition Seminar
- "The ABC's of Data Acquisition Analysis for Driver Development".
- This TECHNICAL seminar features topics for the racer that wants to learn
- more about the benefits of data acquisition as a driver/racecar diagnostic tool.
- Topics will include all forms of racing including road racing data acquisition and autocross data acquisition.
- Focus will be placed on removing the myths and "stereotypes" surrounding what
- is really important to the typical racer, and how to prioritize what sensors to look at.
- Other Highlights:
- The ABC’s of Data Analysis for Driver Development”
- presented by advantagemotorsports.com
- What is Data Acquisition?
- Includes: data acquisition fundamentals
- data acquisition components and wiring
- Results Channels, RPM and MPH sensors
- Segment Analysis and
Track Mapping
- Determining Braking Points
- Shock Sensors, Chassis Attitude and Shock Velocities
- Steering Sensor and Throttle Sensor analysis
- Participants can expect to leave with a more "real world" perception of data acquisition
- in amateur racing as well as learning the techniques of reading a data graph.
- Speaker: www.AdvantageMotorsports.com
- Where: NJ BMW Club Monthly Meeting
- Sponsored by AdvantageMotorsports.com
- Indianapolis Competition Products, http://icpcitation.com/cars.htm, are the builders of Citation Race Cars.
- Each winter the partners, Steve Lathrop and Richare Pare, present seminars around the country on race car engineering,
- including information regarding suspension geometry, data acquisition, shock absorbers, tire management, car set up, and more.
- We're sorry you missed this one, but this winter they will be BACK in Newark, NJ!!
- Cost of the seminar is $300.
- For less than the cost of a set of tires you'll learn a tremendous amount of information that you can put to use immediately.
- How to learn more............ Seminars and On-site Training
- Click Here to find out more about other Race Car Seminars.